Every Teen Can Live a Life They Love.

Exclusive Monthly Membership Community

 Effective Strategies For Parenting Teens With Self-Destructive Behaviors




Uncover the Root of Self-Destructive Behaviors


Set The Whole Family Up for Lasting Success.

Our monthly membership helps parents guide their children — and themselves — through highly emotional teenage years with confidence, ease, and community.

Gain access to a wealth of resources, supportive group coaching, and an understanding community of parents to create lasting positive change.

Become A Member

You just want your kid back. 


After a bazillion therapists, hospitals, prescriptions, and hours of late-night research—just guessing, not assessing—you’re lost on how to help your teen return to the joyful, thriving kid you once knew. 

Every day, you feel the heat of a teen constantly burning with emotional fire, and all you have…
is a tiny squirt gun.

The first thing I want you to know, is that 

you are not alone.

If your teen displays self-destructive behaviors, you – and so many other parents – are likely to experience feeling:


  • Always on edge. Waiting for a shoe to drop or a cry for help at any time.
  • Exhausted by unending crisis. Communication or compromise is off the table.
  • Terrified of losing their child. Straining as their teen teeters on the edge.
  • Mired in a Catch-22. Enforcing strict rules or giving in? Neither seems to work…
  • Frustrated by ‘experts.’ Everyone says something different, and nothing sticks. 
  • Isolated. It’s a hard topic to bring up over coffee with friends...
  • Heartbroken. Witnessing their child lose interest in what they used to love and desperately trying to connect with them… but shut down at every turn.

Trust me. I get it.

As a parent of a teenager AND a specialist in teen self-harm, I understand the complexities of parenting a kid with overwhelming emotions. 
Hearing another parent discuss their “kid’s future” brings unexpected anxiety, grief and sadness as you fear for the future of your own teen.
All you want in life is to see your child enjoying life again…
…With their friends, their school, their interests…
…with you.

Phew. Deep breath. 

You are in the right place.  

Because you CAN repair your relationship with your teen
Yes. Believe it. No matter what you’ve been through. 

No matter what has been said. There is hope
(Even if hope feels scary right now.)

Hi, I’m Katie K. May (she/her),

Today, as a counselor, DBT-Linehan Board of Certification Clinician™ and owner and executive director of Creative Healing, Teen Support Centers – I've helped thousands of teens in Pennsylvania cope with their emotions and understand their feelings of depression, anxiety, and self-harm.

But once upon a time… I was a teen on fire.

As a teen, I numbed the feelings I had inside with self-harm, drug use, shoplifting, sneaking out– anything to extinguish the pain I felt every day.

An unexpected pregnancy in my 20s finally brought my pain into perspective…

It began my journey to break a generational cycle of hurt and fight my way back to a life I could fully embrace as my own. 

And in the process? I found my life’s calling.

My mission is to help your teen know they aren't weird, bad, wrong, or different for feeling the way they do. And I'm here to help you create an environment where they deeply understand and are fully accepted for who they are.

My dream is to provide MORE parents and teenagers with the support, community, and understanding I so desperately needed as a teen. 

Together, we can navigate this process with empathy and develop a practical plan for creating actionable (and lasting) changes at home!

Imagine a world where you could..

Go from feeling helpless to confident and empowered.

Being a parent with a system to de-escalate and transform conflict into opportunities for connection.

Create a harmonious home.

No more walking on eggshells! Utilize a step-by-step guide to manage your reactions and foster a relationship built on empathy and trust.

Deeply understand your teen’s world.

Fiery feelings aren't meant to hurt; they're clues to help. Understand what’s going on without ‘snooping’ or removing doors.


Enjoy a full night's rest!

By focusing on patterns within your control, you’ll create new ways of responding to your teen… and stop fearing for their safety.

Feel less alone

We are a COMMUNITY of parents of teens like yours. There is NO shame or guilt because we're here to listen to and learn from each other.

And most importantly…


…Imagine a world where your child begins to THRIVE again! 


Re-engaging in activities, enjoying time with their friends, sitting in the living room instead of curled up on their bed, actually talking to you, going to school without a crisis – and looking forward to the future!


This world is 100% possible for you, your teen, and your family. 

I don't say this from a place of "hope."

My certainty comes from years of helping families 

and being a parent with the same fears & desires.
It’s the reason I created...

The You’re On Fire, It’s Fine Membership


Join us inside our monthly membership created specially to help parents guide their children—and themselves—through highly emotional teenage years with confidence, ease, and community.  

You’ll receive a powerful combination of group coaching, easy-to-access resources, and an understanding community to help create positive change that lasts. 

Join Today For Only $20/month



to Say

Unlock the secrets to opening
heartfelt dialogues, ensuring your
teen feels truly heard.

Your Teen’s World

Discover strategies to build empathy & decrease your own feelings of anger, frustration, and fear.

Get to the Root of Self-Destructive Behaviors

Make sense of your teenager's behaviors and create opportunities for positive change.

Lasting Change

Discover the formula for growing positive behaviors while phasing out unhelpful and unsafe behaviors.

Intervention Techniques

Learn precise methods for intervening in self-destructive patterns, creating safety and trust

Build Mindfulness and Coping Skills

Arm both yourself and your teen with the ability to manage emotions and stress healthily. 

Radical Acceptance

Build strength to support your teen positively by embracing reality over expectations.

the Relationship

Build trust and connection, and improve your relationship -- no matter what you've experienced.

Build Life-Long
Positive Behaviors

Foster resilience, self-esteem, and positive decision-making within your teen that will last a lifetime!



Transform your family dynamic with proven strategies that help 
everyone feel more heard, connected, and at ease.

Become A Member



Our philosophy is that all behavior makes sense and has a cause.

Most programs focus on the behavior itself 

(self-harm, suicidal thoughts, binge eating, substance use, etc.) 

But the behavior isn’t the problem. 

It’s the solution. 

It's whatever temporarily solves the problem and puts out the emotional fire. 

Instead of focusing on the behavior itself, we focus on 

what fuels the behavior and what keeps it in place. 


We believe two things drive behavior: 


Emotion AND the ‘reward’ for reinforcing it.

An (oversimplified) example would be: 

Shame might be driving the behavior and parental attention might be reinforcing it.  

We teach parents how to address their automatic reactions and respond with warmth so their teen gets what they need to regulate without the behavior. 



Video Lessons and Workbook:

Reinforce book content and dive deeper with easy-to-digest lessons and a practical workbook to help you apply what you learn to your family.

Weekly Accountability Book Club:

These new strategies and approaches work best with consistency. Receive weekly action steps to help build these new patterns.

Monthly Q&A sessions:

Bring your questions to our group sessions each month, learn from teen and parent experts and feel resoundingly seen and supported.

Online Community:

Join our widely supportive community filled with like-minded parents who get it and are ready to offer support, guidance, and friendship.

Resource Library:

Packed with scientifically backed scripts to help de-escalate conflicts and strategies to bring
balance and positive communication.

New Stuff All The Time!

As this community grows, I will continually add new resources and specialized courses and react to the group's needs with helpful materials!

This membership is the perfect implementation guide to pair with my newest book.


The book is meant to complement this membership, reinforcing each other. It is filled with stories from my practice and my own lived experience.

Don't worry—you can use this membership even if you haven't read the book.

(Plus, we'll give you a chance to grab a copy inside if you want.)

This membership is a fit for you if..

  • Are deeply concerned about your teenager’s well-being and behavior.
  • Feel overwhelmed due to your teen's intense emotions or actions.
  • Are actively seeking solutions and open to learning new strategies.
  • Want to break the negative cycles in your home environment?
  • Dream of seeing your teen lead a life filled with love, success, and emotional resilience.

Looking for a quick fix?

You won’t find it here. I’m just being honest with you!


There is no magic switch or one-size-fits-all anything. 

Focusing solely on your teen without taking responsibility for your own actions means you will not see results. Consequently? Your teen won’t change, either.  

What I teach in this membership will have ZERO effect without intentional, consistent action. And notice I didn’t say perfect action! 

Nobody’s perfect. 

But having an open mind and heart is a great place to start.

Say it with me: 

"Parents go first."


 A lot of parents say to me,

“I’ll work on myself once my kid is better.” 

 But the opposite is true! 

When YOU put in the work and look in the mirror to examine your judgments, automatic responses, how you were parented, how that affects your parenting…

…when you finally learn HOW to regulate your emotions, handle your stress, and stop putting any emotional responsibility on your child –  


Doing the work is the greatest gift you can give your teen! 

Make the shift at home, and those changes last a lifetime...

Become a Member

Most Flexible Plan

$20 / month

Monthly Subscription

  • Animated Video Lessons and Workbook
  • Weekly Accountability Book Club 
  • Monthly Q&A sessions 
  •   Supportive Online Community
  • Science-Backed Resource Library 
  • Regular New Stuff! 

Best Value Plan

$200 / Year

Annual Subscription


Contains all the content and features in the monthly plan plus an additional…


Purchase annually and get two months free compared to what you’d pay when purchasing monthly.



No Long-Term Commitment

We want to make this an easy “Yes” for you. So cancel anytime. Just say the word, and all future charges disappear. More ease, fewer hassles.

Here when you need us. ;)

Join Risk-Free! 

Our lives are full of risk. If you decide this membership isn't for you, cancel your subscription within 7 days, and you'll receive a full refund. 

That means you can join us today—100% risk-free!


Start Your 7 Day Free Trial



One more thing ... 

It’s important to be patient and take these crucial actions step-by-step.

I sincerely wish change could happen overnight – and I have seen moments when progress can happen quickly – but I have to advise you there is no "quick fix." 

Creating harmony at home and building a stronger relationship with your teenager takes one interaction at a time

If you commit to a PROACTIVE approach – these skills will become intuitive. Natural.

Soon, the results will be profound and lasting as your teen – and home – thrive again. I’ve witnessed it happen for so many families.


…And we’d be happy to welcome you as part of your journey.

Rooting for you always,

💜 Katie 

Start your journey towards a more
harmonious, understanding, and joyful family life today.


Your transformation begins with the click of a button.


Join Today For Only $20/month